Michelle and Adrian {polaroid love}
I love the feel of polaroid, there’s just something about it that makes me swoon, as do the lovely Michelle & Adrian. Just a little tease of the much prettiness to come! xx
I love the feel of polaroid, there’s just something about it that makes me swoon, as do the lovely Michelle & Adrian. Just a little tease of the much prettiness to come! xx
It’s funny the things that you remember about people. I remember meeting Gem and Dunc in March and just thinking they were the sweetest people I’d ever met. I love when I can see how two people so thoroughly compliment each other. It’s kind of like there’s a neon sign with a massive love heart […]
Kristin & Steven are just a little bit awesome. Well, that’s a lie, they are a lot of awesome and great fun to work with and very trusting. I loved every single moment of hanging out with them and shooting their engagement session.