About Us
Mawwiage. Mawwiage is what bwings us togethew today.
Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam within a dweam.
And wove, twue wove, wiww fowwow you fowevah and evah…
So tweasuwe youw wove…
Have you the wing? – Princess Bride
Hi, I’m Len! I love dinosaurs, astronomy, the smell of freshly printed albums, and Leslie Knope is my spirit animal.
I started I Love Wednesdays is 2010 and I am indeed a massive photography nerd.
I have ESP when it comes to knowing what movie you’re thinking about, even if you only know a rough plot line and can’t remember who stars in it. I adore peppermint tea, taking awesome photos and have what I have been told is an unhealthy obsession with cameras (I happen to think having a camera for every week of the year is perfectly normal).
I’ve known I wanted to be a photographer since I was about 16, but in my mind it was about as likely as me becoming a ninja assassin. So I went and studied design and yet I still ended up becoming a photographer.
I’m Victor, employee number 2 (of 2) in the I Love Wednesdays crew.
I’m equal parts photographer, traveler, and book reader, but some parts are more equal than others. Photography is my main jam — it’s fuelled my curiosity and quest for wonderful things/experiences and changed the way I see pretty much everything.
I’ve gotten a bunch of awards for my documentary and portrait work and though I haven’t gotten anything for either traveling or book reading as yet, I’m working on the
“gratuitous amounts of” category.