Tag Archive: fine art wedding photographer
A Life Well Lived // I Love Wednesdays 2015
2 CommentsI always struggle with what to write to wrap up an entire year. I think I’ve taken a bit of a website sabbatical for most of the last year, so it feels like a much more daunting process than it has in years prior.
So, here goes (and apologies for the naughty words in advance). 2015 was a kickass year that totally kicked my ass! I freaking love that we as humans can go from having the highest of peaks to the lowest of lows and keep on going, we are all kinds of amazing and resilient and 2015 tested some of that in the loss of my last grandparent. I know this is probably rather silly, but I don’t think I ever thought of my grandmother as being a mere mortal. She had this effervescent life quality about her, that I always just assumed would be around, so experiencing her loss left me a little bit unmoored. Doing this job, getting to document people’s lives, preserving them and showcasing their significance… it’s been the salve to that loss.
Looking at these photos and thinking about the crazy roller coaster of a year that 2015 was, it reminds me that the hard times, no matter how hard are always tempered by the joys of a life well lived.
So to anyone reading this, live your life; love as fiercely as is humanly possible; do things, make art that gives your soul happiness and I hope that 2016 is a year filled with much more of the peaks and less of the troughs for all of us.
xx Len