Skye + Tom // Turtle’s Crossing Forster Wedding
I’ve been a bit neglectful of the blog lately, and really there’s no excuse not to have shared the wonderfulness of Skye & Tom’s wedding earlier! They are two of the kindest people that I have had the pleasure of meeting, and I have to say that meeting them for the first time felt like I was meeting up with two old friends and for that I am so lucky and thankful.
Their wedding was one filled with brumby undies, shots before the ceremony, a little bit of crying, a lot of laughing, a crazy amount of dancing and kismet. There are few things I will remember as much as driving up to Foster the morning of their wedding wondering whether their lovely outdoor wedding was actually going to take place given the clouds that were forming. But, I need not have worried, as if on cue, as Skye was about to take her walk to the ceremony location, the clouds parted and we were left with the most beautiful light for the rest of the afternoon.
Luis Godinez
I fucking love your images like a fat kid loves cake. <3
Jack Chauvel
Amazeballs Lens!
Victor Caringal
Nice nice! Though I did sort of triple check through hoping to see turtles :(.
Lem Lynch
You shot almost directly into the sun and made it work – great job!
Love those horse underwear by the way.
Top notch, Len.
Christopher Bunce
Love the colours, love the moments you have caught! Amazing! (also, Luis’ comment is brilliant! ha!)
Patrick H
Terrific photos. Very natural, candid, and terrific lighting.